777 Games Casino
Themasters at Realtime Gaming are delighted to reveal their latest installment ofslot spinning mayhem with an old-school twist! 777 is the 3-reel, single fixedpayline slot game which features the fun and characteristics of a moretraditional fruit machine. In this pub-style game, players have the opportunityto win 3 different tiered rewards based on their wager amount. Place a Normalbet for a chance to times your bet by 1,000, while High Bets can multiply yourwager by 1,680! Then there is the mighty progressive jackpot reward to play forwhen you place a Super Bet and score 3 wild cards on the reels at once. On topof some huge prizes to play for, 777 also features a unique Hold Feature which likemore traditional slots, allows you to disable 2 reels at once in the hope ofscoring the best possible combinations.